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    • 02 Nov 2023
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    Downloadable items

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    Article summary

    Latest Reconeyez Installation app (only for Android OS):

    Latest app release notes :

    • Reapplies the saved devices' configurable parameters after the firmware upgrade
    • Supports new motion (PIR) sensor overlays for new detector lens 
    • Supports new USB connector mote 
    • Supports new device types: Keypad and BridgeIOv2

    Known issues:

    • If rolling back firmware to an older version, not all values are restored correctly 
    • If updating from Detector firmware 7.7.0 or older then RC photo interval needs to be configured manually after the upgrade

    Latest firmware for 3G bridge:

    Latest firmware for 4G bridge:

    Latest firmware for 4G BridgeIO:

    Latest firmware for 4G BridgeIOv2

    Latest bridge release notes:

    • Supports improved/faster device connectivity status logic (eg. after bridge or server restart). NB! All devices must have the latest firmware to support this.
    • Supports Keypad (NB! The Keypad only works with the latest firmware bridges!).
    • Supports device firmware upgrade without having to reconfigure device parameters

      Latest firmware - combined for PIR3 & PIR4:

    Latest detector release notes:

    • Supports improved/faster device connectivity status logic (eg. after bridge or server restart). NB! All devices must have the latest firmware to support this.
    • Supports motion and tamper alarms in the same alarm group always marked separately

    Latest firmware for siren:

    • Supports improved/faster device connectivity status logic (eg. after bridge or server restart). NB! All devices must have the latest firmware to support this.

    Latest firmware for Keypad:

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