Siren installation
    • 23 Sep 2022
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    Siren installation

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    Article summary

    Siren is a Reconeyez device that is designed to complement the visual confirmation of detectors with and audio alarm to deter potential intruders. Its installation and operation is slightly more technical than that of Reconeyez detector or bridge unit.

    • One or more sirens can be installed at the chosen installation site per one bridge.
    • In the Reconeyez cloud, siren must be grouped into the same device area with the devices that it can trigger in the Reconeyez cloud.
    • Reconeyez cloud allows to trigger the siren manually in the alarm detailed view or to configure the siren to be triggered automatically in case of incoming Autoalarm.
    • Reconeyez cloud allows to configure siren duration and siren pause after each trigger.
    • Siren must be at the same 2.4 GHz channel with the bridge and detectors that it is expected to work with.
    • The time window to trigger siren, either automatically or manually by operator, is 180 seconds. Alarms that are arriving later than this timewindow may not trigger Siren due to connection between siren and server being closed (Error! Siren not played message).

    When installing the siren it is advised to check the following with the Reconeyez app:

    • Use the Trace feature to check siren connectivity. Tracing the 2.4 GHz signal will ensure that siren has connectivity to the bridge and server.
    • Use the Activate siren feature to verify that the audio and visual alarm of the Siren works. If it does not, check the sound settings in Device configuration menu of the siren.
    • Recommended: Make a few tamper alarms with siren to test that alarms arrive to the Reconeyez cloud as a final connectivity test.

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