- 04 Feb 2025
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Reverse control API
- Updated on 04 Feb 2025
- 1 Minute to read
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- DarkLight
Authorization is HTTP basic auth. Set authorization header with base64(username:password). Port is configured to be 9028.
Cloud application | Reverse control API |
demo.reconeyez.com | demo.reconeyez.com |
eu.reconeyez.com | eu.reconeyez.com |
uk.reconeyez.com | uk.reconeyez.com |
na.reconeyez.com | na.reconeyez.com |
Currently reverse control has been implemented in the following capacity:
- trigger Reconeyez Siren audio
- trigger Reconeyez Siren audio
- arm/disarm Reconeyez devices
- trigger Reconeyez Siren audio
-arm/disarm Reconeyez devices
List of supported commands
Get siren list
curl -u username:password https://demo.reconeyez.com:9028/control/v1/get_siren_list
- StatusOK 200:
[{"guid":"01AD2DD41C0000C1","name":"New device: 2DAD","area":"WINDOW TEST","description":"","type":"siren_v1"},{"guid":"01E211D51A00006B",
"name":"Siren: 11E2","area":"Office_guard","description":"","type":"siren_v1"}]
- StatusUnauthorized 401: "Unauthorized" - user credentials invalid or device control not allowed
- StatusTooManyRequests 429: "Too Many Requests" - more than 3 concurrent requests
- StatusInternalServerError 500: "Internal Server Error" - internal server handling error
Get device list
curl -u username:password https://demo.reconeyez.com:9028/control/v1/get_device_list
curl -u username:password https://demo.reconeyez.com:9028/control/v1/get_device_list/{id}
- StatusOK 200:
[{"guid":"01B3B2931800004D","name":"New device: B2B3","area":"Area name","description":"","type":"siren_v1"},{"guid":"01BBB99318000008","name"
:"New device: B9BB","area":"Test","description":"","type":"detector_hdr"},{"guid":"016BAAC918000080","name":"Dev test device: AA6B","area":"Test",
"description":"","type":"detector_hdr_xrl"},{"guid":"019D28EA19000096","name":"New device: 289D","area":"Kalev Test","description":"","type":"detecto
r_hdr_xrl"},{"guid":"01D3B4441A000042","name":"New device: B4D3","area":"Test","description":"","type":"bridge_4g"}]
- StatusUnauthorized 401: "Unauthorized" - user credentials invalid or device control not allowed
- StatusTooManyRequests 429: "Too Many Requests" - more than 3 concurrent requests
- StatusInternalServerError 500: "Internal Server Error" - internal server handling error
Play siren
curl -u username:password --request POST https://demo.reconeyez.com:9028/control/v1/play_siren/{id}<?duration=10>
{id} is required field (and is either Reconeyez device GUID 01AD2DD41C0000C1 or account ID as specified in Reconeyez Description
<?duration=10> is optional and if omitted or invalid default set in Reconeyez UI will be used.
Siren play call is blocking.
- StatusOK 200: "Siren playing"
- StatusUnauthorized 401: "Unauthorized" - user credentials invalid or device control not allowed
- StatusNotFound 404: "Siren not found" - no siren w/ such ID
- StatusNotFound 404: "Siren not started" - minimum play interval not passed
- StatusRequestTimeout 408: "Timeout" - 30 seconds, no reply from device
- StatusTooManyRequests 429: "Too Many Requests" - more than 3 concurrent requests
- StatusInternalServerError 500: "Internal Server Error" - internal server handling error
Arm / disarm
curl -u username:password --request POST https://demo.reconeyez.com:9028/control/v1/arm/{id}
curl -u username:password --request POST https://demo.reconeyez.com:9028/control/v1/disarm/{id}
{id} is required field (and is either Reconeyez device GUID 01AD2DD41C0000C1 or account ID as specified in Reconeyez Description
Arm/disarm call is blocking.
- StatusOK 200: "Device state changed"
- StatusUnauthorized 401: "Unauthorized" - user credentials invalid or device control not allowed
- StatusRequestTimeout 408: "Timeout" - 30 seconds, no reply from device
- StatusTooManyRequests 429: "Too Many Requests" - more than 3 concurrent requests
- StatusInternalServerError 500: "Internal Server Error" - internal server handling error