Management menu
    • 03 Mar 2023
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    Management menu

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    Article summary

    Management : Dismiss

    Dismiss All sub-menu under the Management menu allows the administrator/moderators to dismiss all fresh events in bulk. This can be very useful in cases where there have been numerous empty events due to a passing train or storm for example.

    Management : Delete Events

    The Delete events menu under Management menu allows to delete a range of events from the Cloud UI. 

    This can be useful, for example, when there have been many false events (e.g. batteries forgotten to be

    removed from the devices during transportation).

    Management : Logs

    The Logs menu under Management gives the Administrator or Moderator an overview of all user activities – 

    time, username, types of action, affected devices. 

    This helps to investigate cases of unauthorised disabling of devices or other tampering with the Reconeyez system.

    Management : Backup Alarms

    The Backup alarms menu enables to compress and backup the chosen alarms into a zip file. 

    Choose devices or device areas - choose dates - name the file and press Save. After some minutes you will have the zip file with all alarms. 

    Backups are useful if e.g. a range of alarm photos needs to be archived or forwarded to third parties.

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