- 27 Feb 2023
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Installation - at the installation site
- Updated on 27 Feb 2023
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Please refer to the full Reconeyez installation training video for details:
At the installation site the preconfigured Reconeyez kit can be installed quickly:
1. Make sure all charged batteries have 2 rubber seals that make Reconeyez devices waterproof. Always insert all 4 batteries into the bridge to hermetically seal it. Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=1072

2. Measure mobile signal of the bridge by making tamper alarms (shaking) bridge and reloading Device configuration menu in the Reconeyez app until Mobile RSSI parameter displays a signal (btw. -20 and -105 dBm). Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=1079
3. Ideally install bridge with direct line of sight to and shortest possible distance from all adjacent detectors at the approximate height of 3 - 5 meters. Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=1131
4. Measure the 2,4 GHz signal between Detector and Bridge in Reconeyez app. During detector installation tap on Trace from the dropdown menu in detector device view. Trace between detector and bridge will give you exact 2,4 GHz signal strength in dBm and packet loss in real time. Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=1213

5. Order test photo with Reconeyez app from detector that has been mounted. Display motion sensor trigger zones onto the test photo in the Reconeyez app. Adjust detector downward angle so that the uppermost 30 meter detection zone is pointed at maximum desired range (30 meters) at the height of ca 1,2 meters (average person’s stomach/chest height). Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=1310
6. Check that the Device configuration menu of any device does not have any unwanted configuration from previous installations (eg. active Schedules, Tamper sensor switched off, Make multiple pictures set to 50 etc). Refer to Handheld manual for detailed overview of all parameters. Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=1360
7. As a final connectivity test make sure that at least one alarm from each device reaches the Reconeyez cloud. NB! Switch off the Reconeyez app to test motion/tamper alarm traffic to your Reconeyez server. Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=1412
8. After the installation and connectivity test log into Reconeyez cloud on your computer/tablet and set the Schedule for all detectors that you wish to trigger at specific times to avoid false alarms from authorized people on the guarded site. Refer to Reconeyez cloud manual for details. Video link: https://youtu.be/_gd98DZ3vt8?t=884