SIA DC-09 integration
  • 22 Jul 2024
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SIA DC-09 integration

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Résumé de l’article

SIA DC-09 protocol supports message data formats: SIA-DCS and ADM-CID (Ademco Contact-ID or SIA DC-05).

Information necessary to set up integration:

  • Message data format: SIA-DCS or ADM-CID
  • Server IP address and port (preferably TCP)
  • Default account identification and device info
    • (optional) Receiver Number (Rrcvr)
    • (optional) Account Prefix (Lpref)
    • Account Number (#acct)
    • (optional) group number
    • (optional) zone number
  • (optional) 128-bit encryption key

If images are uploaded to FTP (optional)

  • FTP server IP address and port
  • FTP user and password

In case FTPS is used (optional)

  • SSL certificate (if self-signed cert used)

Description field format:

For ADM-CID in following format:

For SIA-DCS in following format:

# Full account identification including receiver and account prefix in addition to account, group and zone 


# Account / panel identification with account ID 9280, group ID '00' and zone ID '001'


# only account / panel identification specified


Extended data fields:
For SIA DC-09 integrations the following data fields can be configured to be sent to the monitoring station. Please specify in your email to in case you wish to omit any of the default data fields described below:

  • S - area name
  • L - device name
  • H - alarm occurrence time (device timezone if set, UTC otherwise)
  • V - link to corresponding event in Reconeyez web
  • I - for any additional information like device battery level or detection object list from our machine learning algorithms
  • U - for reference to one-to-many image file(s) (jpg) or video clip (mjpeg/avi) in FTP server
  • X - Longitude
  • Y - Latitude

Supported event types:

ReconeyezSIA eventADM-CID event
PersonDetectedBA Burglary Alarm1130 Burglar alarms
VehicleDetectedBA Burglary Alarm1130 Burglar alarms
MovementDetectedBA Burglary Alarm1130 Burglar alarms
RoutineCheckRP Automatic Test1602 Periodic test report
TamperTA Tamper Alarm1137 Tamper
ArmedCL Closing Report3400 Restore open/close
DisarmedOP Opening Report1400 New open/close
ConnectionLostYC Communication Fail1350 Communication Trouble
DeviceConnectedYK Communication Restore3350 Restore communication trouble
BatteryLowXT TX Battery Trouble1302 Low system battery
BatteryRestoredXR TX Battery Restoral3302 Restore Low system bat
CriticalBatteryShutdownYT System Battery Trouble1308 System shutdown

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