Cloud billing
  • 30 May 2024
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Cloud billing

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Résumé de l’article

All cloud fees on your invoice include the costs incurred during a given calendar month. This article covers information about Cloud billing, invoicing, and terms. If you have any specific questions, please consult with our finance team.  

  • Cloud platform fee: When you activate a device (camera) for the Cloud, you will incur charges for the current calendar month. A Cloud fee is charged for a device that is active when a connection is established with the server to start receiving alarms to the Cloud platform or via integration with the monitoring software. The cloud fee is a fixed price charged every month when the device connects to the server. Please note that the Active/Inactive folder in the Cloud does not affect the billing status and these “folders”/statuses are used for device management purposes only.
  • Time-lapse fee: Time-lapse fee is charged when time-lapse mode is activated for longer than 24 hours.
  • Bridge fee: Bridge billing is independent of connection, the charges are applied monthly.
  • SIM card cost: The Reconeyez Services require the use of a broadband internet connection. The Bridge uses a mobile network to forward detector data to the Reconeyez server. Each bridge includes a SIM card with a set data limit which is generally enough to cover the monthly usage. Monthly data usage is monitored by the mobile service provider. For busy monitoring sites, additional data might be needed. When the monthly data limit is exceeded, additional charges are applied by the mobile service provider.

Testing the demo devices

Demo devices are tested in the Demo server (for new customers always).

If an existing customer needs to test a device, then for the devices that are connected to the Cloud, a charge is incurred.


Invoice terms

You receive an invoice at the beginning of each month, due within 30 calendar days from the invoice date unless otherwise agreed between us. An invoice notification email is sent out at the time of invoice generation indicating the outstanding amount and the due date.

Overdue invoices and consequences 

First of all, we will take all the steps we can to ensure that you get the information. With emails, pop-up notifications on Cloud, and other in-app notifications we will inform you about the status of your invoices.  

Three email reminders and Cloud notifications will be sent to collect outstanding fees before services are suspended. We will notify you about the invoice due date two days before the due date, 1 date after the due date, and 5 days after the due date. Your account will be suspended when the final email notification is sent out which is 10 days after the due date. 

Your account will fall under suspension 10 days after an invoice has become overdue. 

Thus, you have 40 days in total to pay the invoice for the Cloud fee before the account is suspended. The suspension limits certain features of your system: access to the Cloud platform; stop support; and stop integration.

The suspension will be lifted after the overdue invoices are paid. Please contact our billing team and if you can provide proof of payment, then we can open the account before receiving the payment. 

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