Troubleshooting bridge connectivity
    • 20 Sep 2022
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    Troubleshooting bridge connectivity

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    Article summary

    Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 14.36.27Bridge connectivity to mobile network is the first thing to check on the site when installing the Reconeyez system. What are the most common causes for bridge connectivity loss and the tools available to installer to troubleshoot such cases?

    Tools to solve bridge connectivity issues

    1. Use the Reconeyez app to check that bridge has the correct Access Point Name (APN) information and Server address and Server port configured. APN /APN user/APN password can be obtained from your mobile operator. Server address can be obtained from your Reconeyez distributor or from and is inserted in the following format, eg.

    2. Use the Reconeyez app to check bridge Mobile RSSI and Mobile BER parameters. Reconeyez app shows two parameters for Bridge mobile signal. Mobile RSSI stands for receieved signal strength indicator and is measured in dBm. The smaller the number, the better the signal - average RSSI usually in the range of -30 to -90 dBm. BER means bit error rate and indicates packet loss percentage. In order to refresh the two parameters shake the bridge to make tamper alarms (check that Tamper sensitivity would be default value 100) and press Reload. Use SIM card from another operator, in case signal is weak in the area.

    3. Check bridge Mobile connection error parameter in the Reconeyez app in case bridge does not display Mobile RSSIMobile errors have more information about how to troubleshoot the issue. Please refer to the table below for some of the most common mobile modem error codes.

    4. Use the Bridge modem logging feature on the Reconeyez app to acquire more precise mobile modem log files about why the bridge is not connecting to the chosen mobile network. This feature is supported starting from 4G bridge frimware 7.7.0 and 3G bridge firmware 7.6.1. More precise information about bridge modem logs in dedicated article -

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