Reconeyez maintenance
    • 12 Dec 2022
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    Reconeyez maintenance

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    Article summary

    Reconeyez system does not require much maintenace. However, there are a few basic things that each installer can do to ensure that the devices operate wihtout any issues until the end of their life cycle.

    Water repellent and antifog

    At times of the year when the temperature tends to drop quickly, condensed water may appear on the detectors, usually in the early mornings. The same can happen during the winter season with ice and snow. It is advisable to keep the detector camera clean at all times by wiping it with a microfiber cloth after the installation. In addition, to avoid condensed water forming on the camera glass, water-repellent or antifog is advised to be applied to the cleaned detector. 

    A detector cleaned of grease and dust with a suitable water-repellent coating for plastic applied will retain clear alarm photos even under challenging environmental conditions. RainX and Aquapel are two brands that are being used on Reconeyez devices with positive results.

    Water ingress

    All Reconeyez devices which are for external use have an IP6* rating. Which is critical to ensure the devices operate in extreme conditions. This ingress rating is achieved using a glass-fiber reinforced polycarbonate casing with custom designed rubber seals. 

    We recommend checking the two rubber seals on the battery regularly. These seals when in good condition and used correctly will ensure the IP 6* rating of the Reconeyez devices. Make sure to fit the battery firmly with the plastic or security nut. Do not use excessive force. We recommend just enough to keep the seals firmly in place. 

    One of the core things for the installer to observe is to ensure there are no cracks or mechanical damage in the enclosure of the Reconeyez device. Micro-cracks can be caused by dropping the device from a height, by direct sabotage/damage, also by improper installation methods. It is not advised to change the detector angle by force without loosening the mounting bolt. Improper install methods can cause micro-cracks in the enclosure which can lead to water ingress.


    Please ship and transport Reconeyez devices in appropriate packaging. Custom made cases with foam interior are best
    for everyday transport of your Reconeyez devices. Original cardboard boxes that fix the device are also a good solution. Avoid tossing several detectors and bridges in one bag, mixed with tools and fastening equipment, where they move around and might get damaged. 

    Avoid leaving devices without batteries in damp and dusty environments. When installing devices during rain, insert batteries in the devices in a dry environment. An example would be your vehicle.

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