Reconeyez app overview
    • 20 Mar 2023
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    Reconeyez app overview

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    Article summary


    Reconeyez app is a tool for viewing alarms on a mobile device and arming/disarming Reconeyez devices. It is an easy-to-use tool for site managers, security professionals and homeowners to be able to quickly view alarms in real-time or arm/disarm Reconeyez system from their smartphone or tablet. The app can be downloaded both from Play Store for the Android platform and in App Store for iPhones.Menus can be changed in the bottom main menu bar - Site status - Events - Settings - Notifications. 

    Events menu

    The Events menu displays all incoming alarm events. The upper left Areas filter is set to All areas by default and the
    upper-right Alarm type filter is set to Autoalarms only by default. Both Areas filter andAlarm type filter are also configurable as per user preferences. Users can swipe right to see other alarm events in the same event group or click on Show event details to see the alarm detailed view. 

    Clicking on the Show event details will open event detailed view. Here user can see the alarm event photo in full view, device name, event trigger time, event type and autoalarm tags (of detected objects). In the event detailed view it is possible: 1) to Call the number saved in the Areas menu of the Reconeyez cloud for this particular device area, 2) trigger the Siren or 3) Download the alam photo to forward it via chat apps or email.

    Site status

    Site status menu shows the arming status of all areas. The primary function of this menu
    is to arm ordisarm the device area using theReconeyez app on your mobile device. Red indicates armed status, green disarmed status, and blue no connection status. Site status view also displays helpful error messages, eg Some devices not connected, Add same timezone to all devices, 1 detector out of 3 is armed, etcThese messages help installers to understand and address connectivity or configuration issues. Clicking on any device area displays detailed device-specific information - from device name and timezone to last connection time and battery level. The upper right three-dots menu allows to log out from the app.

    Settings  menu

    Settings menu allows to enable notifications from the Reconeyez app to be displayed on your
    smartphone or tablet. To turn on alarm notifications to your smartdevice, please enable the top slider Notifications on/off. Then choose which objects you wish to be reported on Autoalarms (person, car etc) and set a time of the day when you wish to receive notifications on your smartdevice (by default All day).

    Notifications menu

    Notifications menu allows to configure notifications via the device area filter. For example, it is possible to exclude notifications from some device areas. To receive notifications at least one area has to be enabled.

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