Instant Activation Service (IAS) for bridges
    • 03 Mar 2023
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    Instant Activation Service (IAS) for bridges

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    Article summary

    Instant Activation Service (IAS) enables its users an instant push connectivity from the Reconeyez cloud to your deployed Reconeyez devices. IAS allows you to send instant arming/disarming commands to the devices on the field and request a live snapshot of the area whenever needed. 

    Key benefits of IAS 

    • IAS provides the ability to instantly arm and disarm a site by pushing the arming command to the bridge rather than waiting for an alarm event or routine check.
    • IAS works by server first making a call to the SIM card in the bridge and if that does not work, sending an SMS to the SIM card.
    • Events menu Snapshot feature will allow IAS users to take a photo onsite from any detector whenever they need to.

    How to activate IAS?

    If you choose to opt-in to the IAS service, please activate IAS from the bridge detailed view after logging in to the UI.

    SIM card requirements

    Before enabling IAS, please make sure that your SIM card and firmware prerequisites for IAS are met: 

    1. SMS: inbound and outbound, enabled internationally.
    2. Voice calls: inbound only, enabled internationally.
    3. Works only with bridge firmware versions starting from 7.7.0 (4G hardware version) and 7.6.1 (3G hardware version).

    You can see devices which have IAS enabled in the Devices menu IAS active filter.


    As the service is based on SMS technology, an inherent cost is involved for running this service. For those bridges that are updated with the IAS compatible firmware and where IAS has been enabled, a monthly fee is billed equivalent to the same amount as your detector monthly fee.

    There are some restrictions on the service based on the number of SMSes sent each month. The service operates a ‘fair usage’ policy so we may come back to you if your use is extremely heavy, however there is a generous 120 SMSes per month allocation per bridge for the service. We believe this should enable all the instant changes to be implemented in all but the most extreme environments.

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