Devices menu - Schedules and Timezone
    • 03 Mar 2023
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    Devices menu - Schedules and Timezone

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    Article summary

    Schedule menu allows to configure detector motion sensor to be on only at chosen times of the day. There can be only one arming period per 24 hours. Schedules and device timezone can be changed in three different menus - 1) Devices menu table view (for the devices selected), 2)device view (for single device) and 3)Areas menu (for whole device area). The last saved schedule overwrites the previous schedule and custom schedule overwrites other schedules.

    There are three types of schedules - the compact standard schedule (workdays vs weekend), weekdays schedule (in case each day has different schedule) and custom schedules (calendar view for upcoming national holidays). Before saving a schedule, make sure that the device time zone is correct - schedule takes effect in device timezone!

    Schedules for weekdays can be saved in device view: 

    Standard Schedule
    Weekdays Schedule allows adding separate schedules for each separate weekday.
    Custom Schedule - will overwrite standard/weekday Schedule
    Currently only the user who saved the custom schedule can change it. As an exception from other schedule types, custom schedule can be saved both for arming or disarming period.

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