Stages integration
    • 22 Jul 2024
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    • Dunkel
    • pdf

    Stages integration

    • Dunkel
    • pdf

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    Integration is implemented by using Stages Signal Service - XML Receiver. 
    Message data format supported: CID (Contact ID) standard system codes

    Information necessary to set up integration:

    • Server IP address and port
    • Device area in the Reconeyez cloud (name/ID or link)
    • Service endpoint (eg. “sgssignalservice/receiver.asmx”)
    • Username and password - The Signal Server may optionally be set up to require a username and password with each signal. If this is required a valid Stages username and password must be supplied.
    • Default account identification and device info:
      - (optional) Receiver Number
      - Line number
      - Transmitter code (xmit or account number)
      - (optional) Area value
      - (optional) Point value

      Alarm events from Reconeyez devices are sent using the default account identification unless there is a device-specific account identification saved for the device in the Reconeyez cloud (device view Description field), which will overwrite the default account ID. No supervision messages are defined by the service protocol.

    Description field format: 



    <Rreceiver>, optional, a string which can be used to identify a specific receiver (usually omitted)
    <line> , mandatory, a string which can be used to identify the line where the signal was received
    <account> mandatory, a string which can be used to identify the device that generated the signal
    <|area> optional, the area of protection, omitted if empty
    <-point> optional, the point or zone that generated the signal, omitted if empty

    All characters need to be in decimal format. Examples:

    # Full account identification

    # Account identification with line number '33' and account ID '9999' and point as '1'

    # only line number and account identification specified

    Account identification configured under each device will override the default site name.

    Supported event types:

    ReconeyezADM-CID event
    PersonDetected1130 Burglar alarms
    VehicleDetected1130 Burglar alarms
    MovementDetected1130 Burglar alarms
    RoutineCheck1602 Periodic test report
    Tamper1137 Tamper
    Armed3400 Restore open/close
    Disarmed1400 New open/close
    ConnectionLost1350 Communication Trouble
    DeviceConnected3350 Restore communication trouble
    BatteryLow1302 Low system battery
    BatteryRestored3302 Restore Low system bat
    CriticalBatteryShutdown1308 System shutdown

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